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Nkuringo Female Gorilla Killed by Two Jealousy Males

Reports from Bwindi National Park in Western Uganda indicate that the recent female death was caused by two jealousy males. After undergoing a series of treatments and medication, a 20 year old female, Samehe, from the Nkuringo group in Bwindi impenetrable national park has died. She had on several occasions had her skull examined and her skin stitched.

This was following an attack from two males who ripped open her skull in the scuffle. These two males were interested in gaining conjugal rights with this female gorilla that was named Samehe. Samehe refused to show interest in these two males despite their constant efforts to hang around her. This in turn aroused anger from the two male gorillas who beat her up profusely according to sources from the park.

These males spent several days jumping, rolling and tearing vegetation in their way as they attacked Samehe. The Gorilla Doctors (veterinary doctors who study the gorillas in the region) intervened on realization that Samehe could no longer keep up with the 20 member group, a sign that she was unwell. The doctors tried to treat Samehe but the efforts didn’t yield any fruit. Samehe’s head was cleaned and treated with antibiotics but after a few days she passed away. This is a great loss to the Nkuringo gorilla family in Southern Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, one of the four sectors of the park. Rest in Peace Samehe!

Compiled by Olive

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